Contact information

Phone and email contacts

You can contact individual employees directly by using the phone number and the appropriate line: +420 - 544 500 941 + line.

Division / Grade Name Line / Phone
Chief Executive / Drives and Automation Pavelka Michal, Ing. 104 / GSM: 605 298 012
Chief Executive / Drives and Automation Kocich Richard, Ing. 103 / GSM: 605 298 014
Chief Executive / Drives and Automation ®árský Petr, Ing 102 / GSM: 605 298 015
Chief Executive / Service and technical support ©karvada Zdeněk, Ing. 117 / GSM: 605 298 010
Chief Executive / System engineer Krumnikl Ivo, Ing. GSM: 605 298 033
Sales and Marketing
Sales and marketing Páleník Dušan, Ing. 113
Design and Construction
Designer Nedoma Michal, Ing. 106
GSM: 605 555 157
System Engineering
System Engineer Polnický Richard, Ing. 545 559 185
GSM: 605 298 013
System Engineer Sedláček Vít, Ing. 545 559 185
System Engineer Kislinger Michal, Ing. 105 / GSM: 739 300 990
System Engineer Prax Jakub, Ing. 111
GSM: 605 298 016
System Engineer Bílý Lukáš, Ing. GSM: 605 298 034
System Engineer Jorda Ivo , Ing. GSM: 731 558 620
Service and Labview Specialist Roman Vítězslav, Ing. GSM: 603 513 585
Software Application
Designing and Programming Novotný Viktor , Ing. 109 / GSM: 605 298 023
Service and Technical Support Škarvada Zdeněk, Ing. 117 / GSM: 605 298 010



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